Monday, July 22, 2013

TO2015 "Pachi" Mascot visited Oshawa

Had a great time at the Northview Community Center with Pachi. So did Ashley & Zippora

Thursday, April 25, 2013

A pair of Redtail Hawks

This was a find by chance. I was driving north on Wilson Rd just past Beatrice in Oshawa and quickly pull over when I had seen these two together in the tree.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Baby Horned Owl

Late Saturday night of April 20 - 21, a baby horned owl fell out it's nest. The nest was getting very crowded with other baby & mamma and the really bad winds that night who knows why it fell out? Residents of Thickson Woods recuse the little thing and put it back into the closet tree. The parents continue to watch out for it and kept feeding, which was good. I returned today to find the little guy right underneath the original nest but on a lower tree. Great neighbours of the Horned Owl!

Northern Shoveller & America Coot

Another great day of birding in between Snap Events. I went to Lynde Shore CLOCA, off of Halls Rd and was able to get these Ducks.
 Northern Shoveller
 A Beaver, American Coot and a female Mallard
 American Coot
  Northern Shoveller
  Northern Shoveller
 Northern Shoveller

Monday, April 22, 2013

Two Barred Owls Hall Rd., Ajax, Ontario

These where taken at Lynde Shore CLOCA. Two Barred Owls seen off of Halls Rd., Ajax, ON